So.........interesting take on terrorism.
Question, from your reply, I guess the abortion doctor killers are off the terrorist list?
It would seem that your interpretation of terrorist, is simply.....Muslim.
This does shed some light on your motivations for such seething hatred and violence, religious bigotry. It would seem you are as guilty as those you condemn, in your blind hatred for an entire group of people.
Still, you are entitled to your beliefs, just as all others are(note the lack of silly name calling). My opinion would be.....that it is this very mentality that is slowly destroying the country I love.
And since it is also this mentality that perpetuates the violence in the first place, we could simply use your own logic, hows this.
The violence in your beliefs will likely be filfilled in the future, by the leadership of the United States. This will lead to further attacks against civilians in retribution. You are in full support of said actions. You are partially responsible for the deaths of thousands. You are a terrorist.
Before you slip into the defensive, and call me more silly names, realize this was an exersize into the flow of your logic, NOT an attack on you as a person.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha