I've had migraines since I was six years old, and like you have ran the drug gauntlet till I can't run no more. Triggers and causes vary drasticaly for everyone, and there really isn't any blanket advice that will help that's true.
Have you kept a food journal to make sure you've got no triggers there? This is the first place many people should start, I think. If you've tried that with no results, have you kept just a migraine journal? Recording what's going on in your life, the weather, where you've gone can all help to spot what causes your particular migraines.
Have you been properly diagnosed with migraines? And by this, I mean not by your GP but a neurologist. Many things can be misdiagnosed as migraines, and there are many different types of migraines.
One of my largest victories against my migraines was actualy brought about by my optimologist. Although I've got fairly good vision, and don't actualy need glasses, he found a link in a journal somewhere linking migraines with strain on the eyes. We tried a script to reduce the strain on my eyes, and it's worked wonders for me.
As I've grown older, my migraines have decressed in frequency, from 2-3 times a week at their peak to less than once a month currently. The severity hasn't let up one bit, however. So that's something you might be able to look forward to there, also.
Have you looked into preventative medications? They didn't do squat for me, but I've known several people with good responses to them.
Sorry for being so long winded here, hope that you can find something to help.
" ' Big Mouth.
Remember it took three of you to kill me.
A god, a boy, and, last and least, a hero.' "