I think we are dicked pretty good on the oil issue regardless of if we are able to find a source of renewable energy. Isn't like 80% of America's processed materials derived from petro-chemicals? And on the other end of the spectrum even if our oil dependency does go down that still leaves other countries. Now for better or worse the Wolfowitz doctrine is basically the reason that we are in Iraq. Our presence their regulates other countries military roles and military size, if we are doing the dirty work they don't have too. As it goes we only get about 20-25% of our oil from the Mideast (mainly Iraq at 5% and Saudi Arabia 20+/-), so I don't really see what the issue is there. It's other countries like China, Japan and the EU that get their oil there.
Onto Terrorism. Basically it isn't the poor that hates us. For the most part we get snot-nosed ass hat rich educated boys like OBL that got indoctrinated with Islamo-hate back in the 70's. Right now you got the crazy Wahabi's in Saudi Arabia preaching hate against the west, not to mention that branch of Islam is one of the most prolifec(sp) outside of the Mideast and has a growing number of schools around the world. Scary enough it is also one of the biggest growing idealogies being taught in Indonesia the Worlds largest muslim country. The taliban is still very popular in both Afganistan and Pakistan, not to mention Pakistan is becoming one of the most militant Islamic countries on the face of the planet. Perhaps the biggest issue of all though, and what it all may come down to is the culture's that Islam is practiced in, and the mentality's of the therein. For the most part we are dealing people who haven't really changed their way of life since written history has began. They are still largely tribal, largely patriarichly(sp), and extremely immune to change and progress (I'm not knocking them on that, its just an issue when we have to deal with them).
Basically due to the aforementioned reasons we are screwed, there is not a whole hell lot we can do. The lines have already been drawn in the sand and things keep getting worse. Western Civilization (namely America) keeps getting alienated and Islam's influence (especially its "radical" core) keeps getting bigger. I'm fearful on the whole world becoming a carbon copy of the situation in Israel. All we can do now is bring the fight to people like OBL and Al Qeada, and hope to curb what they are hoping to accomplish. Concessions and talking "level headedly" (is that a word?) won't work with these people, you go to shake their hand, they bust a cap. They are sociopaths and there is no talking to them. What's worse is when we try and paint a nicer more Arab-Islamic friendly image to them they are quick to spin it as the Great Satan is trying change Allah and disgrace and enslave all his people's type rhetoric.
Bottom line on Terrorism, don't give an inch. If they wish a fight we should help them meet Allah faster, on our terms and not theirs.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.