Originally posted by shakran
Because they aren't looking. They'd rather watch Survivor and Fear Factor than actually look to see what their government is doing. It takes work to keep yourself informed of current events and the vast majority of Americans are lazy ignoramuses who don't want to have to think any more than they absolutely have to.
A friend of mine is very fond of saying that the majority of the country had a C or lower average in school. It's cynical, but he's correct. The majority of the country is average or below average, which means the majority of the country does not have the drive to inform themselves of what's going on.
I have to,with all due respect Shakran, fervently disagree with you.
I believe that the majority of the US people truly are intelligent and care. The problem is they feel helpless in this situation. A MAJORITY elected a president in '92 AND '96 and he was not allowed to do the job THE PEOPLE put him in to do. It didn't matter in '96 that people told the GOP THEY WANTED CLINTON, the GOP kept hounding and persecuting and destroying.
In 2000, it didn't matter that GORE was elected by a majority, because Bush took over in Florida and won the majority of electoral college votes, which is ok, but the way it was done and where leaves lots of doubt as to authenticity.
The people in my opinion, just have come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter who they vote for the GOP WILL TAKE OVER ANYWAY. Look at the hate and vile on the radio and in tv ads, it's a turnoff. The people, I have met and talked to feel it just doesn't matter who they vote for anymore. If they vote GOP they get patriotism shoved down their throat and watch us divide into 2 classes, and if they vote Dem. the GOP do all they can to prevent the Dems. from doing the job.
Hell, look what the FCC is doing to Stern after he stopped supporting Bush.
That is why more than ever people need to form rallies this Summer and Fall. And why the people who do care need to go out and do all they can to change the attitude of the people.
It is my belief that people will listen and once they realize that their voice does matter, we may start seeing large turnouts again.
In my mind only 1 of 2 things can happen, 1) people need to be given a true reason to vote or 2) this election is it, the GOP if they win will be so strong it truly won't matter next time and it'll take 50 years to change what the have and will do to this country.
It's just not Kerry that needs to be elected it is Dem congressmen that need to be elected also.
I can assure you that I have my passport and will apply for a visa if the GOP is reelected because this country will no longer be the one I love and the freedoms will be totally gone. The GOP like to point out that things we believed for years were rights are now "priveleges".
Clean air and Environmental protection? A privelege.
A national park system? A privelege, loggers and oil companies need the land and we don't have the money to finance it. (Teddy Roosevelt the FOUNDER of the NPS must be turning in his grave).
The best public education system in the world? A privelege, we don't need to educate the workers of tomorrow, when we can have wars and send them off to them.
Good paying decent jobs and workers rights? A privelege, this is a global economy and we don't want Nike to ACTUALLY have to pay for labor. Instead of charging $100 for a pair of shoes that cost $5 to make overseas, they'd have to charge $250 for that pair because it might cost them $20 to make here.
My wife got sick and was in the hospital for a week. When she went back to work she was fired because they "needed someone who could be there". It didn't matter she had worked there 3 years and never missed a day. When we called lawyers they said although that was shitty practice they couldn't do anything.
No education, no jobs, means they'll start going into the service. We can pick the best then and have a great big army and take over the World, Pinky.
It starts with a small group wanting change, and the people will listen if it makes sense and shows them how life can be better.