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Old 03-20-2004, 07:24 AM   #71 (permalink)
Location: We Have Just Lost Cabin Pressure
Originally posted by tecoyah
Why would anyone in this society agree to pay for these benefits for someone legally from another country.

Good question, I guess my problem is assuming people would be more caring towards others in need, in our own country and from others, I guess my expectations are too high for some, my mistake

The same Goes for college assistance, I would be a little upset if my daughter was passed up for college aid, in favor of your boyfriend,I must work 50-60 hrs a week to support my family in this economy, and pay alot in taxes. I would expect some form of return on this in the future, and have no intention of paying for the education of an illegal immigrant.
I being younger than you and also having worked since I was sixteen and will be having to work for the rest of life, have no chance of seeing social security benefits either. also you should have read the posts before responding, my bf is not an illegal immigrant and after attending school in America for 6 years, I personally think he should be entilted to government benefits for college aid. He also works to support himself and his family and that point in your argument is moot as well as paying taxes. I recieve financial aid from the government for college and would willing to take a cut in it to fund other college students in need. But once again I seem to be more giving than alot of you, even though I'm below middle class. My entire family works and my father runs his own business which requires him to work every day, more than 60 hrs. a week but he sees things the same way I do, so your excuse is a poor one, that comes off as being selfish.
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