In response to The Wall...
My class is equal parts of learning and fun. Most of the time when they are learning their American Sign Laguage they understand that most children don't know it and they are able to sign to each other during the rest of the day. It's more like a secret code to them and then they go and show their parents and friends this.
One of my children also has a deaf grandmother who knows how to sign and this has become a wonderful edition to her life, that her five year old grand-daughter now has the basic concepts down, and can now start talking to her.
The teaching of Greek and Roman mythology is done for a couple of reasons.
#1 - Later in school there will be a number of references to both and they will be prepared before the other kids. We will also have art projects based after these stories.
# 2 - If you have ever read any Roman or Greek Mythology then you would know that they are not only interesting to read, but also fun. I'm an adult and I still find these works fun to read and can't wait to read them to my children.
Don't worry about finger painting and stuff like that. We still do that, because I have very strong feelings toward children in their freedom of expression through art and social play.
Oh and yes, I give them homework, to prepare them for later on when they're going to have no choice, but to do it. I don't overwhelm them with it though. Once a week is usually enough and two pages of whatever I had planned for them to learn that week. Most of the time it's somthing as simple, as writing a sentence.
You may see it as overwhelming, but their parents see it as getting an edge over the public schools and they have even commented on my class in regards to how much they learn, compared to what they are taught in public school ( where they only seem to finger paint... go figure )
Believe me, they learn, but they have fun well doing so.