I actually do that as a component of my current job. Good luck finding decent resources.
The search engine world is in flux now, and nothing written more than 2 months ago is very accurate.
Yahoo broke away from Google and is using their own algorithms. Altavista and alltheweb.com were both bought by Yahoo and are slated to be consumed (R.I.P. Teoma.com too). Google is using a new link-based algorithm and just launched a new local search engine feature. MSN dropped Looksmart (Looksmart has all but dropped Zeal.com). The ODP is losing impact on Google (very long time between Google/ODP updates).
MSN will have an entirely new engine come late summer/early fall that's rumored to put Google to shame. According to some early news, its using some new way to calculate pagerank/relevancy for SERP hierarchy.
Yahoo is going to drop their directory soon.
I get newsletters from webpronews.com, entireweb.com, wordtracker.com, searchguild.com, seotie.com, zeal.com...
Those are just the one's I found quickly...