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Old 03-19-2004, 05:01 PM   #64 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
BuDDaH's Avatar
Moderator Emeritus
Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.
I tell it straight, lady. Like it or lump it. I dont pull punches.
Your mistake was not knowing how to keep "NEUTRAL"
and "IMPARTIAL" on and OPEN FORUM... So don't complain if some people reply in a way or tone you don't like. You are speaking from a point you think you know first hand perspective when it isn't even yours. It's his. Then you react in the way you think you should because IT'S someone very (?) close to you. (I'll give you that point.) NO MATTER what rocks your boat or how you see it, LAW IS LAW. So, can you say he is LEGALLY in the States AND is LEGALLY ALLOWED TO WORK in the U.S. of A.?
IF you can, then you have a VALID point to be upset, if not stop the song, I don't wanna see it getting to a point where it is almost hazardous. You are talking with your heart more than your head...
You cannot possibly imagine what I have been through being back in the States after living in Europe for 14 years. I caught it from people in their country giving me shit because I'm American, I've gotten shit FOR being American, and now I'm back IN America and still getting SHIT FROM them in my OWN COUTRY. It's tough for even me to get any job AND I'm American. SO, before you go calling the kettle black and go on about how you've been handle heavy-handed, bring your resentment or argument some-the-fuck-where-else and check it. If you can't come CORRECT in this conversation: "Don't" even THINK about stepping to me or trying to twist me.

Maybe you shouldn't be so "cynical" cynicalgrrlll...
WHO are YOU to judge ME?
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 03-19-2004 at 05:21 PM..
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