Sympathy for Drug Addicts?
I have always had changing views on this subject. People say the having an addiction to a drug is a disease. But usually most people decide to do certain drugs themselves and soend their own money on it.
I do like weed but would never spend money on buying it, just seems counterproductive to me, I have a million more things than need to be paid off or bought first.
My outlook has usually been, you have too much money and free time if your a drug addict. Get your booty in gear. Not a positive outlook I must say. But I would like to get some feedback on the subject to help me consider other possiblities. But I have had friends and people close to me die from drug addiction, so I know it is easy to fall far fast.
*Let me clarify, I'm only talking about drugs OTC or illegal, not alcohol, because that's a whole new thread *
Last edited by cynicalgrrlll; 03-20-2004 at 10:04 AM..