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Old 03-19-2004, 01:21 PM   #54 (permalink)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
CG - it looks like you've abandoned the tread, but I'll respond anyhow. Saying your boyfriend "should get his ass in gear and apply for LEGAL immigrant/US Citizen status" is not in any way a SLAM against him, it's a simple fact.

You concede he's been in this country since he was 12, when exactly is he going to actually get around to obeying the law? Every year I have to "get my ass in gear" and do my taxes, register my cars, pay my renter's, health, and car insurance, enroll my kid in school, file for financial aid, and, of course, work a full-time job. If I neglect to do one of those tasks, it's reasonable to say I better "get my ass in gear" and do them.

Would you drive an illegally unregistered CAR for years? Hell no, you'd go get your license plates, pay the taxes, and get it taken care of. To assume he shouldn't do that for himself is a little ridiculous.

Or, to give you an example that features LEGAL FEES, since you mentioned the $300/hr fee, would you stay married to someone for years after splitting up just to avoid the divorce lawyer fees? What if you wanted to marry someone else? Just "let it ride"? Naw, you'd save the cash, swallow your pride, and pony up the money. That's the real world. For some reason you seem to think Americans are all about hatin' the "brown man" or some nonsense. My wife is half Mexican, half Italian. Our daughter is 3/4 Mexican. Does that give them the right to hate white folks, or other Americans? Does it give them the right to ignore federal law?
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