An interesting note: it's estimated that every 4 days the human population increases by 1,000,000. Imagine this: if we wanted to keep reproducing at the same rate but keep the population at a steady 6 billion, here are a couple ways to do it:
Have an event on the scale of September 11th ninety times every day (2800 killed). If we divide the grief proprtionally between countries based on population, this would mean the US gets attacked once every 6 hours (since the US acconuts for about 5% of the global population).
Have a continuous global war on a scale 14 times greater than WWII (50 million casualties over the course of 8 years)
or we can wait until something drastic occurs, forcing the population to drop all of a sudden by an even bigger margin due to plague, megawar, pestilence, famine. on the other hand, it's way in the future, and we'll all be dead, so why worry if it doesn't affect us?
oh baby oh baby, i like gravy.
Last edited by rsl12; 03-19-2004 at 10:24 AM..