Originally posted by Jimmy4
Hmm...I'm sensing some comparisions...
L&O - Excellent show, one of the greatest in television history.
CSI - Excellent show, one of the greatest in television history.
L&O:SVU - Craptastic.
CSI:Miami - Craptacular.
L&O:CI - Decent, Vincent D'Onofrio creates one of the best characters for a drama and rivals Sam Waterston in his ability to build to a creshendo.
CSI:NY - (To be continued...) [Post fades out]
You pretty much mirrored what I was going to post in this thread with one addition. L&O:CI has gone serisouly down the tubes since it started. I'm surprised that D'Onofrio has stuck around this long with the crappy dialogue they make him perform.
Every episode now has some HUGE leap of logic wherein the Goren character (D'Onofrio) discovers they suspect's hometown from the colour of a thread left at the crime scene or some such shit.
Feh, I throw up my hands and just watch the originals of CSI and L&O. Tho to be honest the original CSI is getting pretty outrageous too...but I've said too much.
Gary Sinise rules, I look forward to his TV debut.