I try to stay away from this board because I get sucked in to the madness. This is a pretty good example of the pit people get stuck in. Two points need to be considered to bring this argument into the proper perspective.
1. Laws banning things do not affect their physical existance. In other words banning something does not make it disappear from the face of the earth.
2. If something exists and someone wants it bad enough, they will be able to get it regardless of the laws regulating it.
IMHO criminalizing something only punishes responsible law-abiding citizens by limiting their freedom to make choices. Laws instead should target criminals and hold people responsible for their errant behavior. Punish the criminals, not the innocent. It is not your right to decide what I should or shouldn't want or need. If I believe I need an assault rifle, that is my choice and so long as I use it in a responsible manner then it is none of your business. If I don't act responsibly, feel free to put the hammer down on me, I would deserve it.