Originally posted by bparker805
But Hulk Hogan? C'mon! That guy is over and down with (coming from an old school HulkaManiac)! The minute I heard that he was in the movie, I lost hope.
Umm I'm pretty sure that Hogan isn't in it. I know another wrestler, Kevin Nash (who BTW played Super Shredder in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2... not exactly praise I know but I'll stop on this little tangent now...) plays The Russian but no Hogan as far as I know.
Just laughing thinking about Hogan teaming w/The Punisher...
"Well ya know brotha, me and the Pun here were gonna bring it to you, brotha! So whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania and Punamania run wild on youuuuuuu BROTHER!"