Well, extremism is a judgement call - a matter of degree. Our tactics in WW2 could have been classified as extreme, I suppose. The historical judgement on the very tough calls that were made then is that they preserved relatively good philosophies by effectively dismantling relatively evil ones - Nazism and Japanese imperialism. They were certainly rendered powerless in their attempts at world domination.
Anyway, these are matters of degree - we can attempt to move toward each other's position a bit rather than use them to polarize our mutual interest in survival, security, and prosperity, HarmlessRabbit.
I'd call attention to your stated "fear." I have fear too. I'm not sure it's the best way to craft a future. I appreciate the intensity of your committment to your views. I'm requesting more than an impassioned restatement of them.
I'm really looking for common ground between us. Can we try a little harder to create that here?
create evolution