Originally posted by Kostya
If Karma exists...
Will somebody explain George Bush to me?
Unless that dude is Gandhi reincarnated I think the cosmos has a lot to answer for...
And here I thought I escaped this crap on the politics board
Now to the question at hand. Karma is a myth, its nothing more then guilt and wishful thinking.
Take for example that I decide to cheat on my wife.
That same night I'm not home she meets someone who she decides is her soul mate and runs off with all my money.
Now I feel guilty about cheating on my wife and can blame Karma for it. Its also BS, I blame it because I connect the cause and effect.
Had I been out at a soup kitchen and the same thing happened that night, no one would think 'ah Karma'.
Its trying to find an answer to random events in life that gives some sort of cosmic meaning.
People do bad things and people do good things and good things happen to people and bad things happen to people but there is no cosmic accountant making sure everyone gets their share of both.
Edit: Wooopsy, forgot I was on my wifes computer, used her account