Also AMD chips do 9 instructions/clock cycle while Intel chips do 6 instructions/clock cycle. Ok, now to break out the calculator..
AMD's Athlon XP 2500 Barton core at 1.83 GHz (1830000000 clock cycles) at 9 instructions. So the Barton does 16470000000 insructions/ clock cycle.
Now a look at a 2.5 GHz (lets just imagine it exists) Intel processor. (2500000000 clock cycles) does 15000000000.
So as you can see the Barton outperforms the Intel processor by about 1470000000 instructions.
Now to look at some prices on Newegg:
Barton 2500 Retail: $80
Intel 2.4 GHz 800FSB HT Retail: $164
Ill leave you to decide which to buy.