I will address this directly and then let other's handle the other implications of the post.
Originally posted by cynicalgrrlll
Mexico, how stereotypical no no he's not from Mexico
That's why I said, "presumably Mexico, maybe not".
... and I have always been for immigration, and am currently a political science major who advocates my beliefs to the government and wants to get involed in legistation in order to pass policies in favor of immigration.
I don't recall anywhere where I questioned how long you've been concerned with the topic, but I did state that you were ignorant of certain realities, something you haven't disproven to me.
I have been concerned with this topic for awhile now darling!
Do you always sexually harass men when you get into arguments with them?
Your background its not important and neither is who you are since you started this thread and opended yourself up to opinions that didn't agree with your own.
I see.
So while you jump to wild conclussions about who I am without bothering to ask, you on the other hand volunteer some of who you are, even though I didn't ask.
The very reason you are on a discussion board is because you don't have to confront anyone openly.
Wrong assumption again. No, that isn't why I'm here.
Also why don;t you question the vast number of legal Americans citizens who are fucking up the country? Like all those wholesome school shootings and the Oklahoma City bombing and the Unabomber?
I don't know. Maybe for the same reasons I don't throw into the thread why I like cats, how I think US energy policy needs serious revamping, etc. (i.e. that isn't what this thread is about).
By the way all illegal immigrants are given social security numbers, like work visas so the US can still get taxes and give them nothing in return
Actually, I've followed your links and you are incorrect, as I explained above.
... so their taxes can support lazy Americans like you who have nothing better to do all day but 'moderate' a discussion board. Excuse me but I have to go to work.
You are full of anger, but that doesn't excuse attacking other board members.
And while I'm not expecting a bouquet of roses from you, I would appreciate some respect for the fact that I donate my time to make this a good place to be, instead of scorn for my efforts.
you are an embarassement to America, who was founded by illegal immigrants from England, get used to it, your wrong to start with
Your ignorance of history (and again, of my own background) not withstanding, other than going on an angry rant for several posts, you've done nothing in terms of reasonable debate to convince me that I'm wrong.
(edit: fixed vB quote tag)