You can't prove ANYTHING with 100% certainty...prove to me that this table actually exists....
More reasonably, you can certainly get enough evidence that would lead me to make statements such as "This table exists", and causes me to act in such a way as to assume the table does actually exist...placing my cup of coffee on it, and not expecting it to pass right through, hit the ground, and spray hot coffee all over me.
Same applies to God. If the guy can read my mind, throw lighting bolts around the place, smite people at will, and produce out of thin air fully grown men with fig leaves covering their privates, then I believe it would be safe enough for me to assume that he is god, and I would act accordingly, just like I do with my table.
Ergo: Tables are divine, and should be worshipped. or something.
Last edited by CSflim; 03-18-2004 at 04:03 PM..