There needs to be a combined short and long term strategy to combat terrorism. In the short term we need to use military, economic, and political influence to destabilize the terrorist structure that has been allowed to grow unabated for the last 30 or so years. While these terrorist cells and their infrastructure are off balance we need to modify our relationships with countries in the Middle East, Africa, the South Pacific, and former Soviet Republics. By improving quality of life for potential terrorist recruits without pushing our ideals on them we will deeply cut into terrorism's ability to produce "holy warriors".
I would love to move away from our reliance on oil, but that in itself will not halt terrorism, it won't even impact it IMO. Oil is only a small part of the issue. Militant Islam is more concerned about our culture "polluting" their beliefs and cultures than they are about our oil appetite.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.