anger check there matey, 'tis a debating forum, not a flaming one, and we're all starting to do our bit to keep it that way. Your argument is also fundamentally flawed, if it could be called an argument, so let the big boys play, and when you stop attacking points that have no relevance to the actual debate itself, then you can join in
personally, as someone from a country with a big immigration problem, i think that it's a double sided problem. i have no beef with real refugees and asylum seakers, people who really have had their lives destroyed, and are willing to start anew. i say c'mon in, have a cup of tea, and lets see if we can get you a job.
what pisses me off though, is people who come barging in from places where they have a life, and demand all kinds of random crap from our government, who thanks to our illustrious leaders, is pretty much stuck with them forever. thats not the only thing however, it's the fact that they don't even bother to try and integrate themselves with society that does it.
i would go to bangladesh, demand that the authorities change all kinds of stuff and give me free money on the basis that i'm new in town, and i resent immigrants doing that here. if you want to come in, fine, just become a member of the british society and behave like one, otherwise you deserve whats coming.
as many people have said many times before, when you pander to petty needs of different cultures inside a larger one, you encourage segregation because people have no need to integrate into the present culture.
i think that all immigrants should be required to speak english, do away with having 50 languages on papers and what not. tough love maybe, but i refuse to let our nation be overrun by people who don't even respect the place they're living, it sickens me quite frankly.
ok, maybe an extremist view, but i'm sick and tired of seeing parts of my hometown taken over by immigrants that quite simply, shouldn't even be there in the first place, let alone thinking that they any rights because they are.
but, saying that, we have to sort out a system to find out who can be allowed in and who can't. we should provide good care, food, medicines, and all those other needs in a secure enviroment that won't foster racial discord. i'm sure some of the shetland islands are still empty