For the record, I always put both the seat and lid down. In my house, the lid stays closed because I don't want to look into the bowl (regardless how clean or dirty it may be). Maybe I'm just not into performance art. Even if I'm not "using" the toilet but in passing I notice that it is open, I close it.
Anywhere outside of my house, I will perform a basic cleanliness inspection before sitting, even giving the bowl a fresh flush and wiping the seat with some fresh-from-the-roll TP.
It is the idea that a woman would sit on the bowl without looking that I find weird. If your day is so busy that you can't take the time to prevent a potential hygenic disaster... you need might need to reassess your priorities. Imagine if you will this very possible nightmare scenario: a toilet user does their business, and since the seat was up when they arrived, they return it to the up position, flush and quickly exit. (Ewww... they didn't even wash their hands!.) Unfortunately, either the thunderhead that was left there in the bowl clogs it up or some other malfunction causes the water to rise right up to (but not over) the rim. A few hours go by and some unlucky lady who is in way too much of a rush to give either the seat or the bowl even a cursory inspection... ends up swimming in her own private septic pool. Nasty.