Mexico, how stereotypical no no he's not from Mexico, and I have always been for immigration, and am currently a political science major who advocates my beliefs to the government and wants to get involed in legistation in order to pass policies in favor of immigration. I have been concerned with this topic for awhile now
Your background its not important and neither is who you are since you started this thread and opended yourself up to opinions that didn't agree with your own.
By the way all illegal immigrants are given social security numbers, like work visas so the US can still get taxes and give them nothing in return, so their taxes can support Americans and other government programs they cannot benefit from
American was "settled" by Puritians from Europe who were trying to escape religious persecution. So now we should tell people to go away? We better also get rid of the Statue of Liberty as well
Last edited by cynicalgrrlll; 03-20-2004 at 12:00 AM..