As a feminist I'm embarassed to admit any of this but I definitely feel a certain amount of pressure -- though I'm hesitant to say that it's outside pressure, a lot of it come from my own insecurities and from the simple fact that I do want to have a child and biology isn't as kind as it could be with its time line. At 26 I've just started feeling like "oh shit, i have to get it together and fall in love!" I certainly don't wish to settle and I hope i hold out because obviously I want to marry someone I love not someone who is good enough. I'm torn between enjoying life and going on a "quest" for love -- right now I'm dating a guy who is nice enough and fun but I'm not going to fall in love with him and part of me feels like I don't have time to fuck around like this. I have a close friend who does not feel this kind of pressure at all and I think it's mostly because she has no desire to have children -- that gives you a bit more time biologically and I almost wish i felt that way myself.