You know guys, everyone is a philosopher much like everyone is a scientist. We're all figuring stuff out. But, some are better and more experienced. Philosophy is about personal growth. And speaking of grown...
We have several good philosophers in our midst:
Ustwo- you wouldn't be here if you didn't find this a wee bit interesting.
Filtherton-The best philosopher of our day, just ask him.
lurkette-who always seems to able to dissect me to the bone (and I dig her for that).
And ARTelevision-a real tried and true visionary.
I'm not intentionally leaving anyone out, but these are those that have responded to my posts most profoundly. I'm relatively new to the boards, so take this with a grain.
Philosophy has never saved a life...It's never made a bridge...but, it's made think about what's on the other side of each!