Originally posted by jujueye
The only thing that bugs me just a little is that if I remove the 2003 version, I won't be able to play on any 2003 servers. I suppose in a month it wont matter.
I'm just installing the game right now as I type this; I think you are mistaken. I'm pretty sure I read someplace that you can play 2004 on the 2003 servers (maps and skins restricted of course). I'll confirm that in a few hours when I actually get the game installed...37 minutes so far.
Also, if anyone is intersted, the SE edition includes a DVD that has tutuorials to create stuff (levels, skins etc), and a video of the nerds at Epic talking about the game. So you if don't want those things don't pee your pants trying to get a hold of t he SE, tho the DVD install is way slicker than the 6CD route.
Finally, the $10 rebate everyone was talking about; it's only good in the USofA. Us Canucks get the shaft again, maybe we should have gone to Iraq after all.