I didn't get here through Fark, but I am definitely a Farker. I go about 5 times a day (sometimes more) and check out the links and stuff.
One thing that has made me stop going as much: the photoshop competitions have turned into an immature talentless retard fest now. It used to be "he who has the skills wins the show" but now it's "he who uses the boring cliches made with Paint wins the show."
A while back, a Farker did a photoshop that had like 900 or so votes ( a lot for a Fark photoshop competition). The theme was "Photoshop what happens to you when you graduate college." The Farker made a picture of a college graduate falling through the stages of life (literally, the image was like 18 inches long, you had to scroll to see all of it). Well, he won that competition by far.
Now, all people do is make a semi-funny (sometimes horribly NOT funny) image really, really long (like 14-15 inches) just to cash in on that guy's success, and everyone votes for it. Just because it's a long picture. The whole process is cheesy as hell; it's blatantly obvious they are cashing in on old Photoshop methods that will always win.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.