Originally posted by T.U.B.
not trying to threadjack this but...
I'm from Belgium, Europe (as you can see). We don't have something like a prom.
From what I've read and heard, a/the prom is a very major happening in the schoollife/childhood(?)/adolescence.
Can you try and explain the importance of it? Is everyone going? How bad is it when you don't have a date to go with?
Enlighten me!
It's a pretty big deal in High School, but I never really cared. I didn't go to either one of them. I didn't want to waste the money on a tuxedo, and besides, I had no one to go with!
Not a damn person cared that I didn't go. My friends said that both were really bad.

I didn't miss much. It IS the talk of the school for the few months preceding it and about a week after it, though. I've just heard over and over that they are big letdowns.
Neither me or my girlfriend went to them and we're proud of it! Ha ha. All it is is a ceremony for people to show how spoiled they are and how rich their parents are. It really is ridiculous sometimes (girls buying $500-$1000 dresses for ONE night, renting limousines, etc). A couple of the guys in my school went to the local Goodwill and bought used Tuxedos for $20. They wore them to the prom. I thought it was funny as hell!