Anytime, I sure you are very tired, but it get better, once you get them into the night time routine. Here is a few more tips:
1. Dont make a habit of letting your boy sleep in your bed with you. Many parents do this because they are too lazy to get up at night. In the end you will suffer & it will be very difficult to get them out. We always kept the baby in a basinet next to our bed for the first 3-4 weeks & then moved them into the crib.
2. Everyone today says no, but my wifes parents did it as well as mine. this little trick will help you get your sleep. When you infant is 6 weeks old, at the last feeding before you go to bed slip him about a 1/4 teaspoon of baby oatmeal off a baby spoon. The doctors will tell you not to do this because of liability, but the truth is that its such a small amount & you will know pretty quickly if he can or can't handle it. The extra calories will get you & the wife a few extra hours of rest. If he take the 1/4 teaspoon with no problem increase it a little bit each night up to 1 table spoon. I did this with both my boys as my parent did with me, and at 8 weeks they were sleeping 12 hour nights.
"A friend with weed is a friend indeed"