I was in a car accident, nothing major, but hopefully you can not make the same mistakes I did.
The story was in was about 7am, and I was on my way to the store to buy a lighter. I had a green light at an intersection, I went through it. She runs her red light and I slammed into her rear bumper. Tore off her bumper and some body damage. I lost my headlight, and some minor body damage. If she ran that red half a second later, I would have T-boned her right into the drivers door, and probaly killed her.
So I got out and I was furious. Just at the fact that I could have killed her for her stupid fucking mistake. There was two pedestrians that saw it. Some skater kid, and an 40-ish lady. The skater kid was cool, checked to see if both of us were OK, then left. The lady got it, and said to me that she saw the whole thing and would be a witness. Me, still being furious, ignored her and barely registered what she said. After I calmed down and spoke to some people I knew, the police weren't called and we decided to go through our insurance companies. I totally lost track of the lady, therefore losing my only witness to back up my story.
A week rolls by while the insurance companies go head to head in a no holds barred paperwork fight, I'm thinking she might somehow say its my fault, and I end up being shafted. Good thing though that her and her family were decent honest people. They took the blame, and I didn't need to pay a thing. I got a rental, a Kia Rio (TOO GODDAMN SMALL), and got my car back within a few more days.
Anyways, like the others have said. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. You need to prove things like this if the other driver decides to be a prick. Could twist the story and make you out to be the bad guy.
Legalize it.