It has to be both. Working with kids I see that. Kids pick up their parents patterns very early on. My daughter will say phrases or make gestures that are distictly hubby's or mine.
On the other hand here's a case for genetics - Hubby was adopted. His adoptive parents aren't really interested in car racing. His dad will watch the race with hubby but otherwise doesn't pay much attention to racing. Just over 5 years ago hubby and I met his birth mom for the first time. Come to find out she LOVES racing. They had the same favorite drivers even. Her brother loved the same drivers and even built an extra room onto his house to display all his racing collections he's such a fanatic. It's amazing to see the similarities in his birth mom and him after 21 years apart. He was adopted within a week of being born so spent all his growing up years with his adoptive family. He has many traits that you can see in his mom and dad too. He is a perfect example of nature and nurture both playing a part.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.