I just recently bought it as well. Picked up the CD-ROM on the 16th.
So far i am loving weapons play. I am normaly a huge instantgib fan. But thus far it reminds me still of 2k3 for the gib rifle.
Once again if you dont have over a gig of ram you will be screwed in the outside CTF maps. MY PC CHUGS with 2.8 512 ram and gefroce 4 card.
CTF reminds me of 2k3. Whihc i HATED..
ONS is quite fun with the right group of people.
DM- They have some really kick ass maps. LOVING IT!
TDM= same as DM.
LMS not many lms servers right now. But am a huge fan to.
Mutant is cool MOD as well.
I dont play the other mods.
Anyways it gets a 3 1/2 stars outa 5 from me!
Have fun playing. I normaly play as Cardinal_Syn or Judas_Kiss.