Life occured for a while but I found some more time to work. Before the cylinders get installed the keepers for the new lifters get safety wired. Sometimes Locktight just isn't enough.
Sometimes you take two steps forward and go one step back. I dropped a piece of brass shim stock into the crankcase when I was trying to compress the piston rings without a proper ring compressor. I finally had to turn the crankcase upside down to remove it.
Here is a shot of the new cam. Sure looks a lot better than the old one.
This is just a shot of the crank and con rod assembly. The crank has been dis-assembled, cleaned, the journals polished, and re-assembled.
The new cam gets covered with a special oil so that on startup it will not gall and ruin the finish. One of the last things that will be done before startup is to dump the rest of the oil down the pushrod tunnels so that the cam will be oiled again.
I finally have the cylinders on. Unlike a car, both pistons had to go in from the bottom at the same time.
I cranked it over a few times with a wrench to check for noises or rough spots, there were none. Smooth as a babys butt. The pistons are at TDC, top dead center, in this shot.
The engine is assembled and just needs to have the head installed. I'm working on that. Stay tuned.