Here are the best strategies:
Blackjack--learn the "basic strategy" and play like that... you can find this by googling for it probably.
Roulette--really, the best odds are betting the 1:1 boxes (the colors, even/odd, etc)
Craps--Pass Line and Don't Pass Line are the best odds, plus betting "the odds" once the point is established is good... that's just what I've picked up from reading up on strategy but I'm still too confused as to how the game actually works to play it at a casino...
Blackjack and certain bets on Craps offer the best odds. However, I think the best thing to do is learn how to play Texas Hold-Em poker and play it at the poker room in a casino. Blackjack is hit-or-miss, but lately I've been doing reasonably well turning a profit by playing holdem.
If you play fairly conservatively like I do, it takes a relatively long time for you to lose money if the cards aren't coming for you. The vast majority of the time, players should fold their starting hands. Whereas in blackjack, you could potentially lose a pretty hefty chunk in as little as 5-10 minutes. That's not very appealing of an experience at any casino.