Originally posted by Woody182
Here's the last email I sent him and his reply:
Thanks Ron, I really like the car a lot, are there any visual imperfections? It’s very hard to buy a car over the internet, the pictures I see help but are there any marks on the bumpers or anything else? I’d much rather know about that kind of stuff. It certainly won’t rule out me buying the car but those types of things I would see if I were to look at the car in the person. Also, what is the exact mileage?
Thanks a bunch
His reply:
The mileage is 22,100. To me, the body and bumpers are about new. Its a 2 year old car , with one years use. Its not NEW however. Its about as close to new as you can find, though. If you can find a person who checks out cars, maybe in the yellow pages,etc. That would help you. When I sold my BMW, M5, to a lady MD in Arizona, she found a car evaluator?? And he gave her a report on the car. Its not free, but maybe worth your peace of mind. I am a Physician, and not looking to take advantage of you. Its a great car, and we would keep it if my son would have a use for it, but he thinks he won't for at least a year. So we are selling it. Good luck, Ron
Any suggestions on how to bring up an offer of 15k and actually pull it off would be greatly appreciated. Phae and MrSelf, thanks so much so far. I found this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eB...tem=2467140461 and was thinking of suggesting to him that this car, with after market rims is being offered for 15k and seeing his opinion.
Thanks for all the help.
That's a two year old car with two years use, the average miles you put on it per year is 13-15k, for all a dealer cares. He is a little under so there is no reason to reduce the price for wear and tear.
All an appraisor would do (and it isn't really that hard to appraise a car) is check the wholesale, check for damages and check the paint. Mostly, here's what I look for when buying:
Year, Make and Model
Retail price
Wholesale Price
Possible Sale Price
Deductions for work to be performed
Then just for basic damage or overspray/tapping. I know how to thoroughly look for something but I don't typically have the time, and you really can't do it over the internet.
I don't really know much about cars outside of buying/selling either, but I learned how to appraise in like 30 minutes just watching dealers and asking them questions at the auctions along with a little help from an actual appraisor. You can hire one if you want, have him call you from there and then offer a healthy amount (enough to negotiate with, not too much that you offend him) under the price he gives you, or you can go down there and do it yourself. Though that may be a problem since you're so far away.
If it's in the kind of condition he says it is (and it's starting to sound like no, it's not worth the whole 17k) then 15k would be a decent offer. If not, then I suggest hiring someone to check it out and make sure before you go down there and realise you paid too much for a damaged car.