Anyone who thinks the board is better off without the above mentioned posters is wrong. They bring a certain diversity to the board that it will no longer have.
I have considered leaving more times than I can count.
For those who argue that people are just posting party line drivel as opposed to real opinion, please take the time to consider that assertion. People don't just believe these things because they are on Party letterhead. They typically believe them because the points hit close to their personal beliefs.
Insulting the belief walks the very fine line of insulting the person in many cases.
The sheer number of "left" of center posters here insures that any post either pro Republican or anti Democrat will illicit a heavily negative response.
Go ahead and count up in any given thread how many people take a "Republican" standpoint. Then go through and see how many continue to post their beliefs after the initial opposing "onslaught". There aren't very many. The ones that stay are typically very outspoken and we get almost no middle of the pack Republican posts.
Someone in this thread mentioned the fact that Republicans seem united in their beliefs on this board while Democrats are less focused and have more diverse beliefs. Did anyone stop to think why that is? It's because the politics board is more open to Democratic leaning posters and less welcoming to those with Republican tendencies.
If diversity is important to you then things will need to change. If it's not, well, then we'll stick with very few Republican posters.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.
Last edited by onetime2; 03-17-2004 at 04:41 AM..