Originally posted by saut
Morrowind came with the computer I bought last year (among a few other free games), and I just started playing it a few days ago. I'd like to get into it (I need a new time-waster), but I'm having trouble killing things. It's like my weapons can't reach what I'm trying to hit -- I'm attacking some cave rats and I swing and swing and swing at them, but I just can't seem to hit them. What gives?
Oh, another problem -- the only sound I have is the music. No voices, no sound effects, nothing - just the music. Anyone know what the problem might be?
Your character may just suck with the weapon you're using! I started my guy as a warrior or whatever, and in the beginning, he was sucking it up pretty good. It took like 5-7 HITS to kill a rat. Keep in mind that if you do suck with the weapon, you won't actually hit the rat. You'll just miss. If you miss, there is no impact sound. You said your sound is messed up, so you probably can't hear it! When you hit, it sounds like a thud, or like a weapon hitting flesh. If you miss, nothing happens. My guy probably swung 10 times at a single rat, missing 5 times and hitting 5 times, and he was a warrior in the beginning.
Of course, when you get to level 25-35, your character becomes a fucking demi-god and can destroy entire cities. I got bored one day and went and killed the city of Caldera including all of the guards. It's weird...in the beginning your character sucks really bad, and then towards the end you're a powerhouse.
As for the sound issue, you either need to configure the settings in Morrowind (turn down music and turn up sound effects) or change your sound drivers. There is a different .exe that you can run to change the settings in Morrowind; you might wanna give that a shot.