tecoyah, I don't know what converation you have had before because it certainly wasn't with me.
You do not know what type of chritian I am because ytou know nothing about me. You are being very harsh, closed-minded and judgemental. This is typical, I have found.
The whole drama of going on to heaven thing is a bit much, wouldn't you say?
Whatever reason you had fro leaving "THE CHURCH" was your own. Please be adult enough to accept responsibility for your own decisions.
What I do observe, though, is that for someone who claims to have abandoned the "christian" ideology, you are certainly involved in a lot of threads pertaining to it.
It's ok to still seek. We all do that. I think I bother you because don't waiver. That's because I have reaserched the heck out of this stuff and not only made a spiritual choice, but made an educated decision to follow Messiah as well. There is so much hard evidence out there that it would blow you away.
SexyMama, I mean no offense, I have read the Jesus Seminar's opinions and many other such materials, and then I have read real, documented findings. When it comes to The Bible, I am a pragmatist. I don't need the opinions of relativists telling me how they feel about the Bible to guide me in my walk with Messiah, when there is 2,000 years of actual documented history that will show me what transpired.
We can agree to disagree, yes. I don't why we would, but ok.
tecoyah, I have no idea why youi won't discuss Sai Baba. Other than that you didn't really meet him, maybe.
I am very interested to know what he was like and what he said to you. You treat it like an attack.
I suspect there are issues here.
This whole thread has become tto bizarre and way too maudlin for me.
Be well, be safe.
Be at peace in Yeshua Meshiach
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"