Originally posted by yster
I also bought the game and played for the first time in the last couple months. Seemed very open-ended, very Gothic1/2-like, and I found some amazing patches online made by users that make the game look 1000 times better.. I'll dig up the links and post them later. Great game, even if at times the freedom that makes it so great can make it a bit daunting, even bringing on an almost 'so much to do, will never finish' type attitude.
Yeah, that's one of the two flaws of the game. The first is the fact that it suffers from "this DEFINITELY needs a multiplayer version!" syndrome, and the second flaw being that it's almost too open-ended. Following the main plot is incredibly unnecessary, and the huge amount of sidequests take hundreds of hours to complete. The sidequests are fine, but I'd like a slightly more linear main-plot to follow!