What church is it I attend?
I have judged no one. I have stated what Jesus has said. I am quoting Jesus. Deal with it.
IU don't consider you a "failed Christian", tecoyah- you have already said that you are not a christian. I do not consider you in any sort of religious category at all. I see you as a Child of God. I see you as a "Yet", truth be told. You have not fully come into your inheritence YET. And if you decide to, you will. If not, you won't. But I'm hoping you'll keep an open mind and at least check it out.
IMHO, too many people throw the baby out with the bathwater. They get all hung up on CHURCH and the silliness that accompanies it and walk away from it. But in doing so, they walk away from Jesu, too because they haven't seperated the two.
The Church is supposed to be the BODY of Christ. Christ is not the Body of the Church. The mistake many people make is they have the tail wagging the dog.
tecoyah- your walk with Christ- which is a title, by the way, not a name- is cool. I hope you choose to expand that. Christ's true Title is Meschiach- or Messiah, if you prefer. And His name is Yeshua- Jesus in the Greek. If you get to the place where you feel close enough to call Him by those, go ahead.
I bear you no ill will. I don't know you.
It sounds to me that you are mad at Christians because you have been offended by them- put on the spot- insulted, condemned. I don't condemn. I am a man of unclean lips and sins too numerous to list. Who am I to throw stones?
I do not consider myself a Christian. I don't like the conotations that comes with that title. I consider myself a Messianist: A follower of the Messiah, and student of His word. I believe what the Bible says is true and correct- the Old Testament conceals the New Testament and the New Testament reveals the Old Testament- that Jesus is who He said He was, did what He said He did and that His promises are true.
I am also a recovering Alcoholic, and I consider AA to be much closer to the model of the original 1st century church than the behemoth of traditions they have today.
I believe there is a middle ground in this communication and it is just establishing a common language. There is no need to abandon all hope here. You are a Child of the Mosdt High God of Heaven and Earth. He has moved Mountains and Galaxies and everyuthing in between so that reconciliation between mankind and Himself is now possible.
Jesus said: "I came so that you would have life, and life more abundantly." That's the Bible I follow. That's the Messiah I follow.
But He also said that the road is wide, but the gate is narrow.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"