Most disturbing thing I've seen is a clip from an internet TV show called Cal's High Weirdness or something. Anyway, ony guy liked to chop off his toes and fingers, and he chipped off the last joint of his middle finger. He had put an elastic band on the finger so it wouldn't bleed much, but he removed it afterwards. It was so disturbing! I could just hear the sound of metal hitting bone, and see the bone in the finger afterwards.
I've also read The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks. That is a pretty fucked up book... at one point the main character is describing how his brother ended up insane. He was working in a hospital, taking care of and feeding babies that were so deformed that they couldn't survive in the real world. It was a hot day and the aircondition had gone off, and the baby he was feeding had a metal cap over his head, because the skull had never developed and the skin was really thin. The baby was acting more silent than usual, not following him with his eyes etc, and suddenly he thought he saw soemthing move underneath the metal cap... so he removed the cap, and was met with the sight of a hollow skull full of maggots, eating the poor baby's brains. Apparently flies had entered through the broken airconditioning and had found a suitable place for laying their eggs... bon appetit!