Originally posted by Lasereth
Oh, give me a break! So now videogame characters can't use real-life equipment? Bar the gates, Sam Fisher is in town using a Walther PPK! What a fucking sell out! He should use a gun that doesn't exist instead!
Did you really read my post as a statement that the game may not use realistic equipment?
I'm sorry but I meant to say that phones are not only made by Sony, TV's are not JVC's invention and that Energizer has a few competitors on the market.
I think your point is valid. The game tries to be a realistic simulation of a behind enemy lines secret operative. And if he used out-of-this-world gadgetry it would look really stupid. But I do not think that all gadgets need to have a real-world brand stamped on them in order to be believable.
I do not condemn Ubi Soft if there is a Pepsi machine somewhere in the game, or he happens to use a phone that resembles Sony/Ericsson's. But if the game portrayes the phone as obvious as it says in the quoted statement above (which I don't think it will) I think it is too much.