Originally posted by sipsake
It didn't add any AOL crap to any part of my computer, gave me the choice during installation of what associations I would like to make and has never tried to steal any associations I didn't specify.
Yah, and you get the same choices with the RealPlayer, yet nobody seems to care. Have you read this entire thread? Has anyone? I'm disgusted with the level of intelligence from some people on here (not you, your post was only mildly irritating

nofnway, what the fuck is wrong with you?
35% of the people who responded to the poll have answered that they think I'm lying, yet not one single person has refuted any of the facts I've layed out (except sipsake, whose CPU is obviously faster than mine, and who probably didn't have the WinAMP media library open when he checked the memory numbers??. I'm just not seeing the same data as you).
I thought that this thread would be a good way for me to clear up many of the misconceptions about the RealPlayer that I've seen floating around TFP, but it seems that most of you are just content to be ignorant.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
-- Albert Einstein