Forgive Me, My Friends
Forgive Me, My Friends
Why is it always the same
Why are all endings alike
Everything I touch, I hurt
Here's my turn at the mike
Here's my final appology
To everyone I've caused pain
I wish I could erase all I've done
and go back to the start again
I don't know how to take it back
But I really wish that I could
You have no idea what I'd give
To take back what I should
I'm glad to have known you
From you, I have learned a lot
It's just so hard to breathe
When a web has you caught
You'll always be in my heart
That is an unchanging fact
I am sorry that I hurt you
I ought to be smacked
I hope that one day
You'll be able to forgive me
For causing you so much pain
and you can reside in ecstasy
I've said all that I can say
Done all that I can do
Frienship's in the air
Now it's all up to you
I'm alive,
It's today,
I woke up this morning,
Looks like another good day.