It's simple. Take it at face value, because once you start doubting it never ends. She wants to be friends? Fine. Act with her as you would with any friend. Friends call each other (both initiate conversations) and never push for anything else. Treat her as one of the guys.
However, she ASKED YOU TO CALL HER so that you can make plans. This, IMHO, puts you squarely in the "A" category. I mean, if she wants to hang out, why can't she call you? Asking someone to call just makes no sense to me in that context. Mercifully, she's trying to let you down gently. Now, what remains to be seen is if she's the type of girl who likes to keep guys hanging until she "feels" like getting some personal attention. Stay away from those girls.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.