This is such and indelicate word-trap. This semantical politik you are playing here. OK, fine. Let us commence the cumbersome dance then, where there are no absolutes and opinions are as reality. Perception and truth being one and the same, we will do our little minuet, eh? Fine.
Jesus-who it is said, claimed to be the Judgement-as well as the Truth and the Way and the Will and the Word, by virtue of the prophecies made about Him and the Race-specific history about Him, was conceivably much more than the garden variety Avatar.
It can be argued that He didn't just come in the form of a Jew, but specifically set aside the entire Jewish race in order to come from them and fulfill a promise He had made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob about setting all the nations free through their lineage- a promise that supposedly went all the way back to garden of Eden and the day of the Fall.
IMHO, it could further be argued that David, the King of Israel and one of Jesus ancestors, wrote in Psalm 22 a vivid description of Jesus crucifixion centuries before it took place, outlinging details such as the soldiers gambling for Jesus clothes, the things said to Him by the crowd, the amount paid for His betrayal, and, most remarkable of all, His very manner of death- Crucifixion- something which had not yet been invented!
Furthermore, it could be suggested that Jesus came firsat to the Jews to fulfill His promise to them, and then to the Gentile afterward, and His meassage of hope could be one that can be universally accepted, but it must accompany repentance and forgiveness and this is what keeps most people from accepting Jesus as their savior.
It is just my opinion.
Jesus, on the other hand, according to all available documentation there is, stated it all as the only way. that was HIS opinion.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"