Originally posted by Superbelt
It was at least a victory for democracy. It is the Spaniards country and they can vote how they want, regardless of any driving factors. Noone held a gun to their head as they went to the voting booths.
So, you don't have to like the outcome, you aren't Spanish. They have made a lifestyle choice that changes the direction they have previously been in. Good for them.
This also sort of mirrors the situation where bush, after 9/11, pulled out all the US troops in Saudi Arabia. Did you accuse george w bush of pandering to terrorists when he did that?
I hold no bad feelings about the Spanish election result. They are perfectly within their rights to choose their leader. I am also perfectly within my rights to point out that their choice is the first example that I know of where an act of terrorism achieved its results.
As far as Bush pulling troops out of Saudi Arabia, the troops in Saudi Arabia were there to enforce the no fly zone in Iraq. There's not much point to them being there when there's no longer a no fly zone to enforce. Further, the pullout was not in direct response to a bombing and was certainly not a capitulation to terrorists.