it sounds like he's dealing with the pain by imprinting the anguish onto you.
his g/f left him for another woman, and now he wants to get it on with you. that would indicate somewhat that he could be trying to get back at his g/f by shagging you, showing her 'i don't care, i'm happy with guys, i didn't need you' type thing.
to be honest, i'd say just leave him alone for a few days, let him get his head straight, losing a g/f like that isn't gona help any man keep sane.
when you do go back, i'd say just play it cool, don't pull up the subject, and generally try to move on.
i've known guys and gals do all kinds of weird things to try and justify their feelings and make the pain go away, to try and stave off the reality, but eventually when it does hit, things seem to settle down, and you just get drunk and while away the anguish in strip clubs and pot.