Wow... thanks for all the positve feedback! I appreciate all the comments.
WarWagon- I used a wipe on polyurethane that soaks into the wood. It said that it leaves a gloss finish, but it's not as glossy as some of the brush on products that I've used. It doesn't change the color of the wood though, which is great. I rarely stain wood. All the wood in the sign is it's original color.
I haven't considered selling any of my work. It's purely a hobby at this point. (Although I did "sell" one of my projects to a fellow TFP'er because I wanted to make a donation to the TFP) I have considered making a few pieces and taking them to a craft show at some point in the future, but right now I enjoy making gifts for my friends.
Thanx again for all the positive feedback. I'll be sure to post more pics as I come up with new stuff.