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Old 03-15-2004, 08:05 AM   #25 (permalink)
Too Awesome for Aardvarks
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Location: Angloland
you show the people that your not their enemy for starters.
most terrorist cells form because people are really pissed off, and want to do something about it.

take the situation in iraq, the american soldiers charge in, shoot a lot of people, then wonder why everyone hates them.
the british and other nationalities go in, make friends with the locals, show them they're not so bad after all, and generally create a truce.
you can't keep on pushing people and not expect them to push back sometime or other, which is exactly what is happening at the moment.
yes, there will always be people who will be terrorists out of relgious fanatisism, and theres very little you can do about it except try and stop them through any means, but you can stop the rest of the population from joining them.

i agree that force is required to deal with those who would see our way of life destroyed, they should be hunted down and shot, but you have to understand the reasons that people would join them before you can fully stop terrorism, something that i feel america in particular isn't doing.
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